Remedies is no longer accepting mental health referrals for the CARES Program

Providing Critical Services for Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse to Winnebago and Boone Counties for over 60 years.

One Donation Can…

Make a difference in someone’s life by helping us provide the resources to families, victims and persons struggling with addiction. Every generous donation keeps our shelter open, another person from relapsing and helps provide victims an opportunity for a new life free from violence.

Remedies, Renewing Lives is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Help a Person or Family Escape a Violent Home
Feed a Family at Our Shelter
Provide the Resources for Someone Overcoming an Addiction

Approximately 35% of the calls law enforcement responds to are domestic violence related.

Our Services

Domestic Violence Services

Substance Abuse Treatment

Gambling Addiction Services

Human Trafficking



About Remedies

Remedies provides critical services to adults struggling with substance abuse and to victims of domestic violence and their children or vulnerable family members.



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